I'm going to try using the deep litter method for the chicken house.
Also, I've got to somehow get the chickens to stop sleeping in the nesting boxes.

They are making a huge mess out of them and they're a pain to clean out all the time. I suppose I need more places for them to roost on.

We'll see how it goes.
I must admit I never dreamed that I'd be a chicken farmer. The little buggers really grow on you.
I've had the chickens for 9 months now. They've been laying eggs since July (or so) and they've nearly stopped with the cold temps. Although, today I found an egg in one of the boxes. 

We had our first snow and at first they would have nothing to do with it. It seems they've decided that the snow isn't all that bad. Big Al and some of the girls made their way up to the garage. I went down to check on their food and put some more out. They're so funny. They come running like little kids who hear a potato chip bag being ripped open! Hysterical! I've got to get that on video.

Anyway ... leave me a message, comment, or question. 
Thanks for reading.
Ok. here it goes. This should be fun.